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for the win(ter break)

First things first I want to say thank you Dr. Preston for making this a project these past weeks have been really hard for me espically finals week heres why I found out that you were leaving us for the other half of the semester then I looked at my grades they werent the best and I got upset because I put so much effort into onlinee school. I realized I should of done more things diffrent I realized i was proably a faliure and it was such a mess on christmas eve I was like let me go to my blog let me look back at the memories let me go see what we have done as a class and I saw what you uploaded so i went to email people I emailed 13 people and only 7 answered yes I was upset but that helped me realize which teachers and which friends are truely there for you and those I can relay on. This also helped me stay motivated I saw all the kinds word being told to me and I have been really upset not motivated ever since quarantine started and I was always the one helping others the one bein...
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