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    This year wasnt like any other many tragedies happen for example the world wide pandemic corona virus, black lifes matter movement, and the school closure. Due to the school closure we had to adapt to the new way of learning which hasnt been plesant to many of us this semester hasnt been the same. School has been very stressful for all of us but this course has to be one of the most flexible.
   This course has been diffrent from all my other course for many reasons your of the very few teachers who dont use canvas or aries which you know its good because I dont like them either, you dont require cameras which is also good because sometimes there is one of those days where you dont wanna turn it on, although I do wonder how you feel talking to screens. Also, in this course i feel welcomed i feel opened to speaking up and asking for help.This class has been filled with many magnificent moments we all spent together as a class but what I personally find more meaningful is all the support you give us. I really appreciate all the things you do for us for example, what I really find meaning full is how you are always available to answer our questions how you have a spot for personal meetings incase someone needs that extra help or for those students like me that are to scared to ask for help in front of the class. What I Also find very meanful is journal time we are able to write about anything really if its a topic you give us or if its us reflecting on our day, but nothing can compete against the MOM you give us its a good way to realse all stress we may have or a moment to reflect on everything and just breath. Honestly I find everything meaningful anything you manage to make this course really pleasurable to attend because of the amazing teacher you are.                                                                                                                                    As I look back at all the work ive done (including the ones that are still in my drafts) id say I am proud of everything ive done i'm one of those students who procrastinate hard. I'm proud to say that ive been getting work done. I was always scared to submit work for several reasons for example I always feel like i put in all my effort and some of the teachers ive had either return back, throw it away, or give me a zero. I truely feel like im trying my hardest I always re-read everything millions of times but teachers dont seem to realizee they want there perfect paper. I could of done so many things diffrently what I feel like I should change is being brave and uploading my work and not overthinking everything mabye if I was more focused on getting my work down rather than making it seem perfect, because I personally think your never gonna get anything perfect you will be close to perfect but never perfect. Ive learned multiple things in your course if it isnt litterature, events happening in the world, writing and many more. I am really grateful for having you be my teacher for honors english. alliteration, foreshadowing, and metaphors have helped me really enjoy the poems we read at the beginning of class and les miserables.                                                                             Its the end of the semester we are proably all stressed because of grades finals and many more but I am extremly grateful we have such a wonderful teacher like Dr.Preston. Remeber to strive on and rock on even with these circumstances we will make it through this tough year.( we will still make it even after Mr. Preston will not be our teacher :(


  1. Thanks for all your insights, Maria! I'm grateful for all the hard work you did this semester, and I know you will continue to improve. :)

    1. Thanks for your feedback we will miss you!!!!!!!!!!


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