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journal 1


Own topic : lmaoo im so dumb for this but i feel like writing about cats or dogs which is better 

well me personally love cats there like a human well at least my cat. My cat when she sees im sad or mad she will go and cuddle me and hug my arm which is the cuttest thing ever. Also my cat may sound like a good cat but dont mess with her cause she will hiss at you she also hates strange people if she dosent know you she will run for her life. also cats are better because they only do there buisness in the litter and dogs dont care and do it everywhere even if there trained. also dogs can be cute but fiesty too. but anyways cats are better than dogs and thats on periodt.

October 29

own topic again

well today im not chosing a topic and instead talk about one direction well first of all they all cute. LOUIE is my favorite and yeah i have so many albums of them but what matters is that is still cry that they seperated like what the blepp>. They are all doing a good job alone. Also i just miss seeing them together they were everything i still blame zayn for all this because his dumbass was the first one to leave they proably saw how he was doing good solo so they did it to. Well enough one direction talk before i get emotinal over them.

October 30

do you guys celebrate halloween

My family celebrates haloween because why not its one day a year where you can wear a costume and no one will tell you anything about it. So many people say its the devils birthday but i mean it really isnt in my opinion just because u celebrate halloween dosent mean yall worship the devil. In my opinion halloween isnt as bad as some people see it but yk thats tehre opinion. I hate covid because i cant trick or treat this year im going to cry


  1. Awee you're so lucky. I wish I could have pets, but I can't because animal fur gives me allergies and I get sick lol. But love your cat with all your heart, the whole, her hugging you when you're upset, is so wholesome.


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